What People Won’t Forget

A Poem

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

People may forget how fast you’ve finished something,
but they won’t forget how well you did it.
People may forget how famous you were,
but they won’t forget how generous you’ve been.
People may forget the medals you’ve won,
but they won’t forget how fairly you played the game.

People forget their idols and their kings,
but they never forget their friends.
People forget how many times you’ve tried,
but they remember how many times you rose again.

People forget your blunders,
those things you thought made you look foolish and weak.
All that they remember is your humility,
and your courage to carry on to the end.

There are many things that people forget.
There are many things people would rather forget.
But three things are legacies that always remain:
A kind hand that touched them,
an encouraging word that gave them hope,
and a life sacrificed willingly
for those who think they never deserved it at all.

